Født: Kristiansand - 12 juli 1905
Bosted: Kristiansand - Kristiansand kommune.
Død: 15. august 1940
Andresen Rolf var styrmann på D/S ”Marly” og omkom 15. august 1940, da båten forsvant under en voldsom orkan i Det indiske hav.
Kildene forteller:
Krigsseilerregisteret skriver:
Oktober 1940:
D/S ”Marly” synker 15 oktober 1940 i syklon i pos. N 18.30'.E 72.02' på reise fra Karachi til Cochin. 46 personer omkom.
Benevnt som "H. Andresen" i sjøforklaringen til D/S "Marly".
Minnehallen i Stavern skriver:
D/S "Marly" var på reise fra Bombay til Cochin med full last da det seilte inn i en syklon i oktober 1940 i posisjon 18.30N/71.20Ø. Lukene ble slått inn, og folkene tok til båtene. To marinefartøyer ble sendt ut fra Bombay, men intet spor ble funnet etter D/S "Marly". Fartøyet var bemannet med fem nordmenn 6 hinduer og 35 kinesere. Alle omkom.
De norske som omkom med D/S "Marly":
Nils Øistein Olsen - Maskinsjef, Ludvig Fjeld Kristiansen - Maskinist, Jacob Ludvig Johansen - Skipsfører, Kristen Adler Hellenes - Styrmann, Rolf Andresen - Styrmann.
Brev 29.12.1944 fra Shipping Casualties Section, Trade Division til Nortraship
S/S "Marly" I am in receipt of your letter of the 20th inst. reference WRI VFL/MJ and in reply to your query I have to state that the above vessel is understood to have sailed from Karachi on October 10th for Bombay, sailing October 15th for Cochin. The S/S "Marly" was not in convoy. A signal was received from the vessel at 2337 GMT on October 15, 1940, giving her position 18o30 N. 72o21 E. and that S/S "Marly" was sinking, hatch being forced in and they were taking to the boats. An H.M. vessel was ordered from Bombay at 0130 on the 16th to render assitance and another H.M. vessel on patrol was ordered to the area to assist. No trace of the S/S "Marly" or survivors was found. The two Naval Vessels returned to Bombay on the 16th and 17th both having been considerably damaged in the cyclone. The cargo of the vessel is not known. This is all the information available in the Casualties Section, Trade Division, and I hope that it will be of assistance to you. E. A. Burrows, Commander
Våre falne skriver:
Gift 1936 i Kristiansand med Alfhild Eilertsen, f. 1907 s. st. Var styrmann på D/S "Marly" og omkom 15. august 1940 da båten forsvant under en voldsom orkan i Det indiske hav.
www.warsailors.com skriver:
Final Fate - 1940:
S/S "Marly" sailed from Karachi on Oct. 10-1940 for Bombay, with arrival Oct. 13. Left Bombay again on Oct. 15 for Cochin, but encountered a cyclone and sent out a distress call at 23:37 GMT giving position 18 30N 72 21E, saying they were sinking, hatch being forced in, and they were taking to the lifeboats. A naval vessel was sent out from Bombay at 01:30 on Oct. 16, another naval vessel on patrol was also ordered to the area. No trace of S/S "Marly" or the lifeboats were found, and the naval vessels returned to Bombay on Oct 16 and Oct. 17 with considerable damages from the cyclone. 5 Norwegian officers and 41 Chinese crew had gone down. In addition to the captain, the officers were 1st Mate Kristen Adler Hellenes, 2nd Mate H. Andresen, 1st Engineer Nils Olsen and 2nd Engineer Ludvig Fjeld.
Kilder: Krigsseilerregisteret, www.warsailors.com, Minnehallen i Stavern, Brev 29.12.1944 fra Shipping Casualties Section, Trade Division til Nortraship og Våre Falne
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