Født: Oddernes - 20 april 1891
Bosted: Kristiansand - Kristiansand kommune.
Død: 12 januar 1942
Hægeland, Anders Martinius seilte som stuert med D/S ”Frisco”, og omkom da skipet ble torpedert på høyde med Long Island 12. januar 1942, på vei fra Savannah til Arntia, New Foundland.
Kildene forteller:
Krigsseilerregisteret skriver:Januar 1942:
D/S ”Frisco” ble torpedert 13 januar 1942 på reise fra Savannah til Arntia, Newfoundland av den tyske, type IXC ubåten U-130, med sjef Kapitän zur See Ernst Kals (Innehaver av Ridderkorset), på høyde med Long Island i pos:N 44.50' W 60.20'. Det finnes bare sparsomme opplysninger om dette krigsforliset, men seks overlevende ble tatt opp av dansk fartøy 14. januar og landsatte dem i North Sydney. Kaptein og to styrmenn ble drept i angrepet, mens åtte mann gikk i livbåtene. Disse åtte ble senere ikke funnet. 10 nordmenn, to briter og en svenske omkom.De norske som omkom med D/S ”Frisco”
Søren H. Wingereid - Matros, Hermann Urheim - Lettmatros, Thor Thorsen - Skipsfører, Thorleif Røh Petersen - Kokk, Isak Sverre Nilsen - Maskinist, Olaf Kraus - Maskinassistent, Anders Martinius Hægeland - Fyrbøter, Anders Johan Eriksen - 2. Maskinist, Erling Ellefsen - Styrm/radioteleg, Bernt Arnold Berntsen - 1. Styrmann.
www.uboat.net skriver:At 01.16 hours on 13 Jan 1942 the unescorted S/S"Frisco" (Master Thor Thorsen) was hit on the port side ahead of the bridge by one torpedo from the german, type IXC u-boat U-130, commanded by Kapitän zur See Ernst Kals, holder of the german Knights Cross, off Nova Scotia. The explosion opened a large hole below the water line and killed one seaman on lookout duty. Due to the proximity of the coast the U-boat fired a coup de grâce from a stern tube after 5 minutes that hit on the port side aft of the bridge, setting the S/S"Frisco" on fire and killing the master and both deck officers. The S/S"Frisco" developed a heavy list to port and settled slowly until she sank around 03.30 hours. The survivors abandoned S/S"Frisco" in the two lifeboats, but they were separated shortly thereafter. In the afternoon of 14 January, six survivors in one of the lifeboats were picked up by the Faroese schooner Mjoanes in 46°24N/57°20W and taken to North Sydney, arriving two days later. The other lifeboat occupied with 9 men was never seen again.
www.warsailors.com skriver:
Final Fate - 1942:
S/S"Frisco" was the first Norwegian ship to be torpedoed in Operation Paukenschlag . S/S"Frisco" was on a voyage from Savannah to Argentia, N. F., having left Savannah on Jan. 5-1942 with a cargo of lumber, and was attacked off Long Island by U-130 (Kals) on January 12, approximate position 44 50N 60 20W. 1 torpedo hit on the port side, the explosion causing a large hole below the water line and killing the lookout, Herman Urheim. The crew was ordered aft, while the captain and 1st Mate Bernt Arnold Berntsen went to the bridge, and 2nd Mate/Radio Operator Erling Ellefsen went to send an SOS.
5 minutes later another torpedo hit amidships, also on the port side, killing the 3 officers, setting the S/S"Frisco" on fire and causing her to list heavily to port.
The position given above is from survivors' statements, who gave the time as 18:20 EST. U-130 recorded the position as Grid position BB 5826 (approximately 46 21N 58 35W), giving Frisco's course as 065º, steaming at 11 knots.
One torpedo was fired at 01:16 CET from 1200 metres, 2nd torpedo fired from 430 metres.
The port boat was successfully launched with 9 people, and soon afterwards a starboard boat was lowered with 6 crew members who watched S/S"Frisco" burn for about half an hour before losing sight of her (the 2 boats had parted company shortly after clearing the ship). The 6 were rescued by the Faroe Islands fishing schooner Mjoanes in the afternoon of the 14th (approx. 46 24N 57 20W) and landed at North Sydney, N.S. on the 16th where they were taken care of by the Navy League. The other boat was never seen again, which meant that 10 Norwegian, 2 British and 1 Swedish seaman had died. Non Norwegian sources place this sinking on Jan. 13, but this is probably a matter of different time zones used. J. Rohwer does not mention a second torpedo.
Omkom ved torpedering 13.01.1942. I sjøforklaring etternavn skrevet som "Hegeland".
Kilder: Krigsseilerregisteret, www.uboat.net og www.warsailors.com
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