Født: Flekkefjord - 07 juni 1922
Bosted: Flekkefjord - Flekkefjord kommune.
Død: 1 mars 1942
Fredrik Daniel Petersen, matros, seilte med flere norske skip. Omkom da M/T ”Finnanger” forsvant mellom Greenock og Curacao i 1 mars1942.
Kildene forteller:
Krigsseilerregisteret skriver:Mars 1942:
M/T ”Finnanger” ble torpedert og senket 1. mars 1942 av tysk ubåt U-158. Senket med kanoner. Da konvoi ON 67 som hun gikk i ble angrepet utenfor Cape Hatteras brøt hun sammen med to engelske skip ut av konvoien. Ingen av disse tre skip ble noensinne sett igjen. Antas senket av tysk ubåt U 158 (Kapitänleutnant Ervin Rostin ) som i samme posisjon sente 3 torpedoer mot 3 ukjente skip og observerte treff. Hele mannskapet på 39 personer omkom. Var på reise til Greenock, U.K.
www.uboat.net skriver:
The M/T ”Finnanger” (Master Bernt Anton Thorbjørnsen) had been in convoy ONS-67, but lost contact after the heavy U-boat attacks on 24 February 1942 and was last seen by the Norwegian motor tanker Belinda two days later about 300 miles south of Cape Race. At 02.34 hours on 1 March 1942, the german u-boat, type IXC, U-158, commanded by Kapitänleutanant Erwin Rostin, holder of the German Knights Cross, fired two torpedoes at an unescorted tanker, which had been chased since 21.00 hours the day before and missed.
During a second attack run, the U-boat was apparently noticed because the tanker began to steam a zigzag course and the Germans had difficulties to get into a favorable attack position and eventually fired two stern torpedoes at 11.53 hours, both hitting the foreship of the tanker.
At 12.15 hours, the U-boat began shelling the ship with the deck gun from a distance of 1000 metres, scoring two hits on the stern, but had then to break off the engagement due to return fire. The Germans re-opened fire from 4000 metres and scored hits on the stern and the bridge. After the crew abandoned ship, U-158 went closer and fired holes into the waterline with the deck gun and the 37mm AA gun until the ship capsized. They continued firing with the AA gun into the bottom until the tanker finally sank at 16.17 hours. The survivors were not questioned due to heavy seas and no radio messages were heard, but this must have been the M/T ”Finnanger”.
Minnehallen i Stavern skriver:
M/T ”Finnanger” var på reise fra Greenock til Curacao i konvoi som ble angrepet av flere tyske båter. M/T ”Finnanger” forsvant sporløst, men ifølge tyske opplysninger ble tankskipet torpedert 1. mars 1942 av tysk U 158 i posisjon ca 38.40 N og 58.38 W. Alle om bord omkom. Besetningen besto av 36 nordmenn og fire briter. Båten var lenge savnet, inntil den ble offisielt avskrevet som torpedert.
De norske som omkom ombord på M/T ”Finnanger”:Harald Wold - Matros, Kristian Ween - Maskinassistent, Roy Arnold Wiig - Motormann, Michael Ulleland - Tømmermann, Arne Tonning - Motormann, Frank Mejer Torgersen - Pumpemann, Bernt Anton Thorbjørnsen - Skipsfører, Sverre Terjesen - Sjømann, Ingvar Thom - Styrmann, Einar Martin Skar - Styrmann, Fredrik Daniel Petersen - Matros, Kåre Messel Orseth - 2. Maskinist, Reidar Olsen - Lettmatros, Birger Eugen Olsen - Lettmatros, Alexander Olsen - Kokk, Gustav Murberg - Matros, Ottar M. Magnussen - Maskinsjef, Alf Rudolf Leijon - Motormann, Anton Jacobsen Leithe - Matros, Eivind Oskar Larsen - Motormann, Eivind Ragnvald Kristoffersen - Telegrafist, Finn Knatten - Fyrbøter, Bernhard Andreas Klingan - Lettmatros, Odd Berner Jonassen - Motormann, Otto Hagbarth Johansen - Matros, Sverre Emil Johansen - Matros, Johan Adrian Johansen - Matros, Thormod Emanuel Jacobsen - Messegutt, Harald Kåre Jahnsen - Fyrbøter, Erling Ivarsen - Fyrbøter, Annar Herstad - 3. Maskinist, Sigmund Hasund - Båtsmann, Ingjald Hatletvedt - Styrmann/telegrafist, Peder Johannes Andersen - Motormann, Harald B. Amundsen - Stuert.
www.warsailors.com skriver:
Final Fate - 1942:
M/T ”Finnanger” had arrived Clyde on Febr. 2-1942 in Convoy SC 65, as mentioned. She left Clyde again on Febr. 14, joining the westbound Convoy ON 67 in order to return to Curacao (according to the external website at the end of this page, she had originally been scheduled for Convoy OS 19). Belinda, Eidanger (sunk - follow link for details), Glittre, Hamlet, Idefjord, Nueva Andalucia, Sama (sunk), Skandinavia, Strinda and Thorhild are also listed in the ON convoy.
A. Hague says M/T ”Finnanger” was detached from the convoy on Febr. 26. On March 1-1942, when in position 38 40N 58 38W, she was torpedoed, later shelled and sunk (after 4 hrs. 45 mins. according to J. Rohwer) by U-158 (Rostin), with the loss of 39 men, no survivors. See also my text for Eidanger and Sama, as well as the external links about this convoy battle provided at the end of this page.
Charles Hocking states that M/T ”Finnanger” left Clyde on Febr. 14-1942 in convoy for Halifax and Curacao. The convoy became dispersed and M/T ”Finnanger” was last seen by the Norwegian tanker Belinda on the 26th, about 300 miles south of Cape Race.
"Nortraships flåte" credits the sinking of M/T ”Finnanger” to U-558 and indicates she was missing for a long time along with the British M/T Anadara and D/S White Crest until they were all officially listed as sunk by U-boats (this source also indicates U-558 sank both British vessels - while Rohwer lists U-587 for Anadara and U-162 for White Crest).
Rohwer says M/T ”Finnanger” was British, possibly because she was in Admiralty service. Arnold Hague agrees with U-158, but gives the date as Febr. 24 (the date being an error).
Roger W. Jordan says M/T ”Finnanger” was torpedoed on Febr. 24 by U-558 and sunk in 43 45N 42 15W, and has probably based his information on J. Rohwer's 1st edition of his book, which is incorrect.
All agree on the convoy number, though Rohwer and Jordan calls it ONS 67, while Hague calls it ON 67, because the true ONS series was not established until 1943, starting with ONS 1, but the slower ON convoys were often referred to as ONS in signals and contemporary documents even before that year. The correct term is ON 67. (The ONS convoys will be added to this site - in the meantime, see this page listing ships in all ONS convoys).
Kilder: Krigsseilerregisteret, www.uboat.net, Minnehallen i Stavern og www.warsailors.com
Tilhørte Uteflåten.
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Krigsmedaljen utdeles til norske eller utenlandske militære som på en fortjenstfull måte har deltatt i krig for Norge og til norske og utenlandske sivile som under krig har ydet Norges forsvar tjenester. Krigsmedaljen utdeles post mortem til alle nordmenn og utlendinger som har kjempet i de norske styrker og Handelsflåten og falt for Norges sak. (Wikipedia)
Petersen, ble tildelt Krigsmedaljen Dato for tildeling ukjent