Født: Sør-Audnedal - 19 mai 1913
Bosted: Sør-Audnedal - Lindesnes kommune.
Død: 09 februar 1942
Einar Ramsdal omkom 9. februar 1942, da D/S ”Anderson”, som seilte i konvoi, grunnstøtte ved Cap Race på New Foundland i storm og snøtykke og sank.
Kildene forteller:
Krigsseilerregisteret skriver:Minnehallen i Stavern skriver:
D/S ”Anderson” gikk på grunn i storm og snøtykke ved Cape Race, Newfoundland, 9. februar 1942 og slått til vrak i den tunge sjøen. Besetningen klarte å få båtene ut, men den ene ble knust mot klippene og åtte mann mistet livet. I den andre båten ble en manns slått over bord og forsvant.
De som omkom ombord D/S ”Anderson”:Wilfred Dybing - Maskinist, Einar Ramsdal - Smører, Bjarne Emil Pettersen - 2. Maskinist, Trygve Gamaliel Hansen - Maskinist, Arne Halfdan Hansen - Matros, Emil Johannes Fjellingsdal - Matros, Otto Kørner Carstensen - Matros. Sigurd Andersen - Stuert .
www.warsailors.com skriver:
Final Fate - 1942:
D/S ”Anderson” was on a voyage from Halifax to Preston when she ran aground on Eastern Head, near St. Shots, New Foundland during a storm with heavy snow on February 9-1942 and was wrecked by the seas.
D/S ”Anderson” had left Halifax on Febr. 7; in fact, D/S ”Anderson” had been in Convoy HX 174, general cargo. Acanthus and Rose are named among the escorts. The Norwegian James Hawson, Høegh Giant, Fernwood, Vanja, Thorsholm, Athos and Beth also took part in this convoy, as did the Panamanian Norvinn - all listed on this website.
More details on them can be found with the help of the alphabet index at the end of this page.
Lifeboats were lowered but one of them was crushed against the cliffs and 8 men lost their lives. "Nortraships flåte" states that from the other lifeboat the steward was knocked overboard by a wave and disappeared - however, Steward Adolf Olsen is listed among the survivors in the crew list.
The memorial for seamen in Stavern, Norway lists the steward as Sigurd Andersen, who is listed as able seaman in the official crew list, and is indeed among the casualties.
The maritime hearings were held in St. John's on March 10-1942 with the captain, 1st mate Knut Kolstø, 2nd mate Nils Solgaard Olafsen, Donkeyman Erik Eriksen, and the Brazilian Able Seaman Joad Lopez Martin appearing. What follows is a summary of a report presented at the hearings.
Kilder: Krigsseilerregistert, Minnehallen i Stavern, Våre Falne og www.warsailor.com
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